From Consulting to Planning

We offer an alternative and cost-effective solution . . .

We offer an alternative and cost-effective solution . . .

We offer an alternative and cost-effective solution to traditional chemical wastewater treatment technologies. Our process using electricity to produce stable coagulants reduces the cost of chemical coagulation between 70 and 80%. Depending on the type of contaminants we offer compliance to local city regulations.

In addition, our technology reduces sludge production by 90%. Our process technology produces a stable sludge that is directly related to the number of contaminants in the water and depending on the type of contaminants may be deemed non-hazardous. The sludge could be disposed on regular landfill, reducing the operational cost.

Chemical coagulation on the other hand always produces a larger amount of sludge and is always hazardous due to the chemical use of chemical coagulants. The amount of sludge is larger as it will contain the process water contaminants plus the chemicals used to coagulate. With Electro-coagulation you only remove the contaminants in the process water therefore the amount produced is much smaller. Our system in the Egg processing industry for example produces less than 2% w/v sludge.

We apply our green patented technology to our novel Helical Cathode Electro Advanced Oxidation Process (HCEAOP). Depending on the type of contaminants our process reduces BOD, TSS, COD, Oil and Grease with 90 to 99% Removal Efficiency. In addition, it is also effective at removing other contaminants, such as Heavy Metals, Nitrogen, Ammonia, Phosphorus, Fluorides and other organic elements.

Our extensive experience offers you a true peace of mind. Let the experts take care of your wastewater treatment needs.

Contact our team to find the service package that fits your application and individual needs. Start your savings today and rely on our extensive experience to help you achieve environmental compliance.

Why Work With Us?

Trusted by our clients for cost-effective solution to traditional chemical wastewater treatment technologies …

We offer the following standard treatment systems:

  • HW-10 is a 10 GPM System
  • HW-25 is a 25 GPM System
  • HW-100 is a 100 GPM System

In addition, we can design Systems upon request and application. Our systems have small footprint and can be adapted easily to most sites.